Thursday, January 7, 2010

happy , happy ...

Happy cows produce more milk
Happy workers produce better work
Happy student produce better results
Happy .......

Recently I watched a Science program on the television about anmal's behaviour and their feelings .

One of it was about cows .

cows that were happy or contented with their handlers produce more milk :)

Handlers who were calms , patted the cattle and exhibited kindly and friendly behaviour resulted in higher production .

In another study , Psychologists at the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom played the music of different tempos to herds of cattle .

Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony and Simon and Garfunkel"s Bridge Over Troubled Water were a big hit in the milking shed.

easy-listening produce more milk .

Have u ever

heard before ???

Reducing stress usually produces healthier & happier workers and better works...

46 % of workers quit because they dont like their boss !!!